Are you ready for the big chill? Please follow these guidelines to ensure you keep your family, your home, and your animals safe!

Here are some DO’s and DONT’s to help keep you safe this winter:
- Make sure you have enough food, water, and prescription medication to last 3-4 days.
- Bring all outdoor pets inside.
- Use cat litter or salt for icy driveways if you must leave.
- Remove debris from your gutters to prevent stagnant water that could freeze.
- Have battery powered flashlights available.
- Wear a tightly woven, preferably wind-resistant coat or jacket; inner layers of light, warm clothing; mittens; hats; scarves; and waterproof boots.
- Bring potted plants inside or clump together; cover outdoor plants.
- Don’t use an oven or stove to heat your home.
- Don’t leave pets outside.
- Don’t overexert yourself – stay hydrated if you are working outside.
- Don’t place a space heater on top of furniture.
We all hope you stay safe and find these winter safety tips helpful!