Energy efficiency is a great way to save money on your monthly bills and help the environment at the same time. Making your San Antonio, TX area condo more energy-efficient can be as simple as changing a few habits or making a small investment in energy-efficient home appliances and fixtures. Here are a few tips from us at Ellis Insurance Agency to get you started.
Tips to make your condo more energy efficient
1. Install LED light bulbs, which use less energy than traditional incandescent light bulbs. Not only do LED lights last up to 25 times longer, but they also save around 75 percent of the electricity used by traditional incandescent bulbs.
2. Invest in energy-efficient windows and doors. These products will help keep air from escaping or entering your home, which will reduce energy costs. Additionally, if you opt for double-paned windows, you’ll have better temperature control throughout the year.
3. Make sure all of your appliances are ENERGY STAR certified. This certification indicates that an appliance has been tested for energy efficiency and meets certain criteria set forth by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
4. Use power strips to control electricity flow in your condo and switch them off when not in use. Doing so will prevent any electronics from drawing unnecessary power (known as “phantom loads”), which will help you save money on your electric bill each month!
Give Us A Call
By following these tips, you can start making your condo more energy-efficient today! For more energy-saving tips, or if you want to review your insurance policy, give us at Ellis Insurance Agency a call today. We are proud to serve the San Antonio, TX area and would be happy to help you find a policy that meets your needs and your budget.