There are many types of auto insurance coverage options available, which leave many wondering if they have enough accident coverage. The experts at Ellis Insurance Agency understand the need for accident insurance and do not want San Antonio, TX, residents wishing they had more coverage after an accident. When shopping for an insurance policy, make sure to discuss your options with your insurance agent and ensure you have enough coverage in the event of an accident.
Below are the different coverage options you will benefit from having when in an accident:
Bodily Injury Liability
This coverage pays for the damage caused to someone else’s property and injuries when you are at fault. For example, if you caused an accident and are sued for the damage, this policy covers your court costs and legal defense. Additionally, liability coverage pays for the other person’s medical bills, lost wages, and compensates for pain and suffering.
Collision Insurance
This coverage pays for the damages caused to your vehicle after being in an accident with another car or object or in the event of a rollover.
Medical Payments
This coverage, often called personal injury protection, pays for medical bills and funeral expenses when the policyholder is injured in an accident. This policy may also provide coverage for lost wages and other related costs associated with the accident.
Uninsured Motorist
This policy covers you if you are hit by a driver who does not have insurance coverage or enough insurance coverage to pay for your damages.
Do not wait to discover you do not have enough San Antonio, TX, accident insurance coverage. Instead, call the experts at Ellis Insurance Agency today to learn about the different coverage options and which one is best for your needs.