Why Flood Insurance Is A Hot Topic

Flood insurance is often a hot topic because there is a lot of misinformation about this important type of coverage. Here at Ellis Insurance Agency, serving San Antonio, TX, and the surrounding areas, we want customers to be well-informed so that they can make confident decisions based on facts, not fear. Here are a few things you should know about flood insurance. 

Often Not Included in Homeowners’ Insurance

The first thing you need to know about flood insurance is that it’s often not included in homeowners’ policies. There are many reasons behind this, but it’s most important that you don’t assume you have coverage. You need to talk with the home insurance provider and find out everything you need to know about flood coverage. 

There Are Different Types of Flooding

You also need to be aware that there are different types of flooding in the world of insurance coverage. There is naturally occurring flooding and indoor flooding. Indoor flooring is caused by problems with your plumbing or appliances. Naturally occurring flooding is caused by a natural disaster. Homeowners’ policies often cover indoor flooding but do not cover naturally occurring flooding.  

Coverage Is Based On Many Factors

One of the reasons why flood insurance isn’t included in homeowners’ policies is because so many factors need to be considered. Each flood policy is very unique. To get a quote on flood insurance, you’ll need to sit down with knowledgeable insurance professionals to discuss all of your risk factors. 

If you’d like to learn more about flood insurance, please contact us at Ellis Insurance Agency, serving San Antonio, TX, and the surrounding areas. 

Roof Proof – Insurance & Your Roof

Property insurance in Texas (and in most states in the US) continues to challenge the insurance industry – inflation, large weather-related claims, inconsistent weather patterns, material and labor increases have found their way into all our premiums.  2023 added another layer of complexity in Texas as many of the insurance companies tightened up restrictions on where and what kind of homes they want to cover.  One of the biggest areas of focus (and rating factors) for property insurance is the age of our roofs.  Many insurance companies are now requiring proof of roof age, this proof comes in several forms:

  • Roofing Permit or Certificate (typically from a licensed roofer and/or roofing company)
  • Paid receipt showing roof replacement (and scope of work done)
  • Pre-purchase inspection (hold on to these if you have recently purchased a home)
  • Roof Inspection completed within the last 6-12 months, including photos showing all sides of the roof

Knowing the age of roof and being able to provide proof will become more important as the years go on.  Educate yourself on what to know about roof coverage or even filing a claim by clicking here: Insurance and your roof: What to know when buying a policy or filing a claim (texas.gov)